Education – All components (Supporting Girls’ Education South Sudan (GESS), Inclusive Education, Teachers Training, Education Infrastructure and TLS, Supporting Education Enrolment, Retention and Transition through Cash Transfers to Girls, Young Mothers, Children with Disabilities, Pastoralists Education Program, Community Girls Schools, Alternative Learning Program, Supporting Schools through Capitation Grants, Capacity Building Training to School Management Committees/BoG, local education managers and officials, EiE , basic pedagogy, MHPSS in schools, Back To Learning Campaigns, Community Caregivers support for increased enrolment, Safety Audits in Schools, SSAMS, etc.). CINA co-lead Education Cluster in Lakes (Greater Yirol). CINA currently implements GESS and ECW programs in Lakes (Awerial, Yirol East and Yirol West), Upper Nile and Jonglei state.