Integrated protection:
- Child Protection – All components (including Comprehensive Case Management – Family Tracing and Reunification for Unaccompanied and Separated Children, MHPSS (CFS and Community-Based MHPSS), GBV, Community-Based Child Protection Mechanisms, working with Caregivers, Monitoring and Reporting Mechanisms, and CAAFAG response (Children Associated with Armed Forces and Armed Groups, Youth and Adolescents Programming, Cash-Based Assistance). CINA has projects in Jonglei (Bor, Duk, Twic East), Lakes (Awerial, Yirol East), Upper Nile (Malakal), Western Equatoria (Tambura). In addition, CINA is a leader in the CP Coordination System. CINA is a member of Global CP AoR Strategic Advisory Group (SAG), a Member of South Sudan CP AoR SAG and a Co-Lead of CPWG Jonglei/GPAA). CINA has extensive child protection expertise in South Sudan including on CP programs design, CP needs assessments, quality CP project implementation, coordination of CP programs and development of Strategic CP documents, Capacity Building Training to CP and non-CP actors, Child Protection Information Management System, etc.).
- Gender-Based Violence – All components (including response, prevention and risk mitigation to GBV – Comprehensive case management for GBV survivors (CMR), referral pathways, safe shelters, MHPSS, Women and Girls Friendly Space Programming, Fuel Efficient Stoves production and distribution, EMAPs programming, Dignity Kit programming, Awareness on GBV, Safety Audits, Capacity Building on GBV to GBV and non-GBV partners, GBV Information Management System, Needs Assessment, Cash Based Assistance, etc. CINA is currently implementing GBV projects in Jonglei (Bor South), Eastern Equatoria (Magwi), Western Equatoria (Tambura) and in the past in Central Equatoria (Mangalla), Lakes (Awerial, Yirol East and Western Bahr El Ghazal (Wau)).
- General Protection – All components (including Case Management/Individual Protection Assistance through Cash Assistance for Persons with Specific needs such as elderly, persons with disabilities, HLP cases, GBV, pregnant and lactating mothers and individuals from IDP, returnees and refugees communities; Focus MHPSS for the most vulnerable individduals, Housing, Land and Property (HLP) programming through case management, Pro-bono services/legal aid, Alternative Disputes Resolutions Mechanisms, Community-led Peace Initiatives, Supporting returns and reintegration of IDPs and returnees, Protection Monitoring, Assessments, and Coordination of field coordination activities with partners. CINA is currently a member of GPC SAG (Global Protection Cluster SAG) based in Geneva. CINA currently and recently concluded GP projects in Jonglei (Bor, Twic East, Duk, GPAA), Lakes (Awerial, Yirol East), Western Bahr El Ghazal (Wau), Eastern Equatoria (Magwi) and Western Equatoria (Tambura).
- Mine Action – EORE and EOD (CINA implements Explosive Ordnance Risk Education for children and adults as well clearance and Explosive Ordnance Destruction). CINA is one of accredited NNGOs in the country for EORE programming and CINA Mine Action team is currently on Secondment to DRC for EOD services in Eastern Equatoria. CINA has 5 EORE Teams in the country and has been implementing EORE in Jonglei (Bor, Duk, Twic East and GPAA), Eastern Equatoria (Magwi), Lakes (Awerial).