Scope of work

How CINA evolved: In 2009, the youth and students from Jonglei state based in Khartoum Sudan started a CBO, by the name of NYASA just before South Sudan Referendum in 2010 with the aim to mobilize South Sudanese citizens for South Sudan’s Referendum and the subsequent voting for Independence. However, to objectively respond to the effects of conflicts and crises in South Sudan, the name was changed to Community in Need Aid (CINA) in 2013 with a new mandate to save lives, protect dignity and develop resilience of children and families, youth and women from effects of conflicts and disasters. CINA then grew rapidly as a national NGO in South Sudan and the organizations is vibrantly committed to attaining sustainable socio-economic development built on community ownership, peaceful coexistence in diversity, women and youth empowerment, improved quality of life, illiteracy reduction and self-reliance.

Basis of comparative advantage

Through CINA South Sudan’s work with children and families affected by conflicts and disasters, the organization has developed certain qualities and a uniqueness, which has led to CINA South Sudan’s definition of core competences and sector focus and to the development of strategic priorities related to those as described below.


Integrated child protection in emergencies (CPiE)

For the last 10 years, CINA has developed a nice in child protection programming and has become one of leading NNGOs in this sector across the

country. CINA has implemented a number of child protection projects from 2011 to date in Jonglei (Bor, Duk, and Twic East), Lakes (Awerial, Yirol  East) and Central Equatoria (Juba POC 1 and 3) and has developed technical expertise in line with child protection standards including on:

  • Comprehensive case management including provision of family tracing and reunification (FTR) services for unaccompanied and separated children  (UASC). CINA reached 2,049 UASC with FTR services and 896 successfully reunified with their families.
  • Mental health and psychosocial support through running of child friendly spaces and community-based PSS approaches: CINA has reached 201, 218 children and their families with MHPSS and CP risks prevention services.
  • Community-based child protection mechanisms. CINA supported 11,200 members of CB-CP networks (including parents, teachers/PTAs/SMCs, chiefs, police, religious leaders, CBOs, local administrators, etc.) with CPiE, PSS/PFA and CP risks mitigation.
  • Child protection risks prevention interventions. CINA created critical impact in addressing child protection risks through behaviour change interventions such as community dialogue, stakeholders meeting and sensitization on issues of child abduction, family separation, child recruitment, child marriage, GBV against children, etc.).

Child protection needs assessments and coordination. CINA has strong local presence, knowledge of the local contexts and has been able to deploy child protection teams in hotspot areas to conduct child protection monitoring and assessments through both static response and field-based roving.

Family reunification of 11 children returned from Pibor, witnessed by Governor of Jonglei State: Photo: Makuei/CINA]

Integrated general protection in emergencies (GP)

CINA has gained significant expertise in implementing general protection programmes. CINA is a member of protection cluster strategic advisory group (SAG) and contribute to strategic direction of protection work in South Sudan. CINA undertakes key GP interventions, meeting the needs, protecting the rights, safety and dignity of the displaced, returnees, and host communities through:

Integrated general protection in emergencies (GP)

CINA has gained significant expertise in implementing general protection programmes. CINA is a member of protection cluster strategic advisory group (SAG) and contribute to strategic direction of protection work in South Sudan. CINA undertakes key GP interventions, meeting the needs, protecting the rights, safety and dignity of the displaced, returnees, and host communities through:

  • Individual protection assistance (IPA) through cash-based intervention, case management and safe referrals. Using a prioritization criterion, 650 vulnerable most persons with specific needs (including elderly, persons with disabilities, widows, pregnant and lactating women, GBV survivors, HLP cases) received a total of USD 54,000 cash to cushion protection shocks they experience.
  • Community-based protection. CINA trained 450 members of community

based protection networks who have helped their community members get access to protection information, referral services, support in protection safety audits, psychosocial support, peaceful coexistence and social cohesion. Protection monitoring and assessments.

[Identification and prioritization of persons with specific needs for IPA in Bor: Photo Mabor/CINA]

CINA has competent staff trained to conduct rapid protection monitoring and analysis of the context across South Sudan.

  • Protection risks mitigation programming. CINA uses variety of tools to  deliver the most effective protection risks messaging, and reached 49,000 community members, including through public awareness, radio messaging, use of megaphones, social gatherings, community theatres, community dialogues and stakeholder meetings.

Explosive Ordnance Risk Education (EORE)

CINA has been implementing mine risk education (now known as EORE) since 2011 to date in Jonglei and Lakes. This is in line with CINA’s SOPs and NTSGs standards and guidelines as set by UNMAS and NMAA, following EORE team’s accreditation and tasking. CINA achieve safety of local populations from explosive hazards through:

  • Training of community liaison. CINA trained over 80 CLs on delivery of EORE messaging to community members
  • Training of Disabled People’s Organization. CINA trained 12 DPOs on EORE safety messaging
  • EORE awareness raising: CINA reached 175,000 children and community members on dangers and risks of explosive remnants of war (ERWs)
  • Hazards area and incidents reporting. CINA reported over 20 HAs and 18  incidents of ERWs and mines in Jonglei
  • Training of peer-to-peer educators. CINA provided EORE sessions to 50

peer-to-peer educators to reach their community members on EORE safety messages

  • EORE sessions for staff and humanitarian workers. CINA provided safety

EORE sessions to over 45 members of humanitarian staff in various organizations working in hotspots.